2023 AITS 2yo’s – Thank You!2023 AITS 2yo’s – Thank You!
2023 AITS 2yo’s – Thank You!

2023 AITS 2yo’s – Thank You!

Ahead In The Sand Summer 2yo’s…

Thanks for subscribing! You’re almost done…


Thanks for joining AHEAD IN THE SAND 2023 SUMMER 2YO’S.

As already mentioned, the service will be run as an email service and you will receive the race guides and all other analysis via the email address you provided.

There is also a members only Telegram group as part of this service and we strongly advise you join this to get the best out of the service.

This is a private members only group so sharing of any info to sources outwith the group will not be tolerated. Any abusive comments within the group will also not be tolerated and you will be removed from the group and only have access to the email side of the service…so play nice!

The Telegram Group is also to be used as a place to discuss 2YO RACING, it has been set up to support the Ahead In The Sand 2yo service and we would appreciate it if discussions were mainly kept to the subject of 2yo racing. 

You can join the AHEAD IN THE SAND 2YO TELEGRAM GROUP on the following link…


>>Join the Exclusive Ahead In The Sand 2yo Members Telegram group


Don’t worry if you’ve never used Telegram before, it’s very simple and secure to use.

Again, we strongly advise that you join the Telegram group to get the best out of the service.

You don’t necessarily need to be actively involved in the group if you don’t wish and you can mute the group so that you are not getting regular ‘pings’ on your phone or computer, but Dave will regularly be posting in the group with his thoughts on the 2yo racing during the course of your subscription and this will significantly enhance your enjoyment of the service.

There is also a 2YO SIRES Guide we have ready for you to get stuck into. 

You can grab that on the link below and it will also be pinned in the Members Telegram Group…


>>Three 2yo sires to note [Members Guide]


Any question please don’t hesitate to contact me (Ben) at info@narrowingthefield.co.uk

Thanks again for joining AHEAD IN THE SAND (Summer 2yo’s 2023) and I hope you enjoy the 2yo action through the eyes of Dave’s unique and in-depth analysis methods.

Happy 2yo Punting!

Ben & AWD

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